Home Security

4 Things to Consider When Buying a Smart Lock

Smart locks are a popular choice for homeowners, renters, and businesses looking to upgrade their security system. Smart locks offer many advantages over traditional locks, including the ability to monitor access, set custom codes, and remotely control the lock. However, before making a purchase, there are several important things to consider, including compatibility, power supply, integration with other smart home devices, and signal connection type, specifically WiFi and Bluetooth.


Compatibility is the first thing to consider when buying a smart lock. Not all smart locks are compatible with every type of door, so it is essential to check that the lock you want will work with your door. Ensuring the lock is compatible with you home security plan is important as well. For example if you are worried about unauthorized remote access then a WiFi capable lock might not be for you.

Power Supply

Power supply is another factor to consider when purchasing a smart lock. Smart locks require power to function, and there are several types of power sources available, including batteries, wired connections, and solar power. You should choose a power source that suits your needs and preferences. For instance, battery-powered is the most common for residential smart locks it offers flexibility in installation and placement.


Integration with other smart home devices can also enhance the functionality of your security system and provide a more seamless user experience. Therefore, you should consider whether the smart lock you want to buy can be integrated with other devices you already own or plan to purchase in the future.

Connection Type (WiFi or Bluetooth)

When it comes to signal connection type, there are two types, WiFi and Bluetooth. WiFi-enabled smart locks connect to your home’s WiFi network, allowing you to control the lock remotely from anywhere in the world, as long as you have an internet connection. This feature allows you to grant temporary access to visitors, receive notifications when the lock is activated, and check its battery level. However, WiFi smart locks are sometimes more expensive than Bluetooth-enabled locks and may require a strong and reliable internet connection to work correctly. They also use more power than Bluetooth locks, meaning that the batteries may need to be changed more frequently.

On the other hand, Bluetooth-enabled smart locks use your smartphone’s Bluetooth signal to communicate with the lock, allowing you to unlock or lock the door with your phone. This method is more reliable than WiFi because it doesn’t depend on a stable internet connection. Bluetooth smart locks are also generally more affordable than WiFi locks, and they use less power, meaning that the batteries can last longer. However, Bluetooth-enabled locks have a shorter range than WiFi locks and require you to be in close proximity to the lock to work when using the lock app.

Ultimately, the choice between WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity will depend on your specific needs and preferences. I use a Bluetooth connection to control my locks because of WiFi/network vulnerabilities. Also WiFi signals travel further and this means the attacker can be further away or anywhere and can take control my lock.


Purchasing a smart lock can offer several benefits, including convenience, security, and peace of mind. However, before making a purchase, it is crucial to consider the compatibility, power supply, integration with other smart home devices, and signal connection type of the lock. Weighing the pros and cons of each factor and considering your specific needs will help you choose a smart lock that best suits your needs and preferences, providing enhanced security and convenience.