Emergency Preparedness

Active Shooter Preparedness: How to Respond with Run, Hide, Fight

Active shooter situations are a terrifying reality in today’s world, and it is important for everyone to know how to respond if they are ever caught in such a scenario. While it is impossible to predict when and where an active shooter may strike, there are steps that individuals can take to prepare themselves and minimize the potential impact of such an incident.

Preparation is Key

The first step in preparing for an active shooter situation is to develop a response plan. This plan should include steps for evacuating locations and areas you frequent regularly (know your exits), how you will respond (run, hide, fight), and how you will contact 911/law enforcement. I would also include a communications plan and meet up points that you and your family or group will use in the event an incident occurs. It is important to review and update this plan regularly, as well as conduct drills and training exercises to ensure everyone is familiar with the procedures.

If you are unsure how to even start building an emergency plan checkout my previous post titled “Advantages of Being Prepared: A Guide to Ready.gov

Responding to an Active Shooter: Run, Hide, Fight

If an active shooter is present, it is important to act quickly and decisively. The most common response strategy is to “Run, Hide, Fight”. This means that individuals should:

  • Run: If possible, evacuate the area as quickly and quietly as possible. Encourage others to follow and do not wait for anyone who is hesitant to leave. Move to a safe location and call 911 as soon as possible.
  • Hide: If it is not possible to evacuate, find a secure hiding place and lock or barricade the doors. Turn off lights and silence phones or other devices. Remain quiet and do not leave until law enforcement arrives and gives the all-clear.
  • Fight: If the shooter is close and there are no other options, individuals may need to fight back using whatever means are available. This may include throwing objects, using improvised weapons, or physically engaging the shooter.

When the Police Arrive

When law enforcement arrives on the scene, it is important to remain calm and follow their instructions. Keep hands visible and do not make any sudden movements. Provide as much information as possible about the shooter’s location, appearance, and any weapons they may have. Avoid making assumptions or providing false information, as this can create confusion and potentially dangerous situations.

Contacting 911

In any emergency situation, it is essential to contact 911 as soon as possible. Provide clear and concise information about the situation, including the location and any injuries or potential dangers. Stay on the line until the dispatcher tells you to hang up and follow any instructions they provide. In some locations you can send text to 911. So check with your local emergency services to see if your area has text to 911 capability.


An active shooter situation is a frightening and potentially deadly event, but by taking steps to prepare and knowing how to respond, individuals and organizations can minimize the potential harm. Remember to develop and regularly review an emergency response plan, take physical measures to increase safety, and know how to run, hide, or fight if necessary. When law enforcement arrives, remain calm and follow their instructions, and always contact 911 as soon as possible.

Check out the preparedness resources below: